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Hello! I’m Valerie

A disciple, lifelong learner, and Kingdom blogger 

I'm glad you're visiting my little space on the internet! One of my favorite creative outlets is writing. I love to sit in stillness and listen to the One who loves us more than we can imagine. Yes, I do believe that God speaks to us. His sheep hear His voice. I enjoy taking these inspired thoughts and crafting them into imagery and short writings, hoping to express little glimpse of God's goodness.

Also, I have seen how brutal the ways of this world are upon us. Defining our worth and value by what it is that we DO is a dead end street in my experience. We might travel ahead for a bit, but I've found that it always falls short of what was intended. As we listen to the truths of who we are as sons and daughters of God, we learn to live in peace and joy that flows from this relationship. If you desire to know more about having a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, feel free to drop me a line and I'll be happy to send you truths that you can embrace for yourself! 

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